Year: 2021

Got Covid? Had to close? Lost income?

If you or one of your dependents have caught COVID-19 which means you are unable to work, then you could be eligible for a £500 “test & trace” payment. You are eligible if: The £500 does constitute TAXABLE income, so it must be included in your tax return if you’re self-employed. If you’re employed, the…

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October 2021 Autumn Budget headlines

NI & Dividend tax increase 1.25% National Insurance will increase from 6th April 2022 by 1.25%. This means that if you are an employee or a sole trader earning £30,000 a year, you will have to pay an extra £255 in tax. If you are the employer, then you’d have to pay an extra £255…

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Saving tax as a company director

How to maintain tax efficiency as a small business company director of your own limited company with the impending increase in dividend tax from April 2022 From the 6th April 2022 the tax cost of drawing dividends from your limited company will increase by 1.25% Currently, dividends are taxed on basic rate taxpayers at 7.5%,…

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Get support from Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant now

The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant supports self-employed workers and individuals in partnerships whose business is suffering as a result of coronavirus. Earlier schemes have been in place for much of the year, offering varying levels of support. The government’s 2021 Spring Budget confirmed that grant funding would continue to be available for self-employed workers. The…

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